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The technical content of the Terminal Blocks and market positioning
  Published:2012-09-03 12:00:18   Views:

Prosperity of the electronics industry, the terminal product market continues to expand, the technical content of the terminal block should improve. In order to meet customer demand.

Therefore, the core production technology applications and R & D will become the focus of attention of the industry's enterprises. Understanding of the domestic and international terminal block production core technology research and development trends, process equipment, technology applications and trends for enterprises to improve product technical specifications, improve market competitiveness is critical.

Elinker through market research, understanding of the authority of the technical information system terminal block technology development planning terminal block to provide customers with products core technology application status information technology research and development, high-end technology applications for enterprises to understand production of various types of terminal block technology and its development is very beneficial.

Elinker terminal block technical content, whether the measure of a business is to be advanced, whether market competitiveness and whether it can continue ahead of the competitors of the important indicators based on determining whether the standard has a certain status in the terminal market.