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How to implement the terminal security connection on contactor
  Published:2013-10-09 08:41:47   Views:

Contactors are often used to control loads in industrial electricity consumption, through the use of electric current creates a magnetic field makes the contacts of the contactor closing to an end.


Contactor works analysis:


When the contactor coil power, the coil current creates a magnetic field, resulting in a magnetic field makes the static core produce electromagnetic attraction to attract core and with strong AC contactor, normally closed contacts disconnect, normally open contact is closed, the two are linked. When the coil when the electricity, magnetic attraction away, under the effect of armature release spring release, recover contacts, normally open contacts disconnected, normally closed contact is closed. DC contactor works with the temperature switch is somewhat similar to the principle.


Electrical connection terminals are common in industrial production components, AC contactor Terminal contact at one end and the other end is the terminal block, screw on the terminal block, with wire holes on the terminal block, wire hole and screw hole intersecting vertical and wire holes for through-hole, screw terminal block screw connection. Terminals in use, put the wires through the wire hole and tighten the screw, screw the wire pressed, after pressing the wires and terminal block connections are secure, the use of safe, easily burned down; no additional lines the nose, low cost, can be used over and over again.


Elinker electric friendship reminder when using the contactor Terminal Note: when connecting arch pads, under the arches of the gasket and two flat washers, wiring or cord thread when bent into a half circle. Set between two flat washers and pressure in the thick line under the arches of the gasket, tighten the screws, so that no matter how vibrations, and Terminal to one end firmly and safely.