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The main role of the terminal blocks?
  Published:2012-02-09 10:43:05   Views:

The main role of the terminal blocks:

    1, solate the role of general plc control other devices in the form of the weak control the strong power, through intermediate relay power installations and PLC to isolate, but can also play a role in control. In addition, short-circuit such as an external signal directly to the module, then there may be burned module circuit board or relay burned that the cost is small.

    2, anti-interference, such as certain load is the nature of the source of interference, such as the inverter and the like have a high frequency harmonics, easy to play the role of interference plc's control.

    3, it is recommended to do the design before the detailed refer to the product design requirements, the manual recommended above design method is to meet the security, segregation, anti-jamming design ideas.