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What is the isolation terminal, and isolation terminal role
  Published:2013-01-11 15:50:49   Views:

1. What is the isolation terminal

Isolation is the connection between the equipment and systems, through the photoelectric or magnetic sense to establish a connection for data communication, other are off. No interference. Improve the stability.
The first to prevent the short circuit of controller PLC equipment damage
The second prevent interference, because in PLC signal are mostly 24 v low voltage signal, or 4 ~ and ma little current signal, vulnerable to external environment, causing interference signal is not stable, distortion.

2. Isolation terminal role
Mainly is the signal isolation and power isolation effect. But only a line cutting function, and need to manual operation

3. Isolation terminal and isolator difference
Isolator is a kind of using linear optical coupling isolation principle, the input signal conversion output. Input, output and working power supply three separate from each other, especially suitable for and need electrical isolation equipment instrument with. In addition to a signal isolation and power isolation effect, but also has the anti-interference function. Than isolation terminal is much more complicated.