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Nanometer-scale wire manufacturing circuit board
  Published:2012-11-09 11:12:13   Views:

Production of circuit boards are generally first made ??design templates, and then take the etching way, like printed books, printed on a single piece of semiconductor chips, circuit. Researchers and institutions such as Harvard University, only 10 nanometers wide, the tiny wires made ??of metal germanium, and then they are "woven" into the circuit and paste it into a chip of silicon material, made ??from the circuit board.

Nanoscale wire structures into the circuit looks like window screens. "The circuit board has been made ??by this technique can be achieved in the area of 960 square microns, distribution 496 of the programmable transistor, which can be used for the subtraction method and the basic logic operations. In addition, the researchers also realized with a circuit to control and drive another circuit, which means a larger circuit by circuit superimposed.

Terminals experts believe that existing printed circuit board technology has advanced, the millions of transistors can be integrated on a single chip, wires structures using nano-level circuit technology also needs more miniaturization to the art competition. Lieber and others, the study not only provides another ideas and ways to produce circuit boards in some ways, and this technology is also competitive. Such as a circuit board made ??by this technique, compared with the conventional circuit board is more energy efficient, in smaller power small electronic devices having the application prospects.