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Experimental comparison of plug power 6-point difference
Published:2012-10-29 11:14:06 Views:
Plug power against the current low price on the market, mg instrument business, together with the sale after the market research and customer feedback, are now sorting out information on several points. Our business when they communicate with customers on the one hand to offer these differences, let the customer know that spending a little more, but it's still worth it. On the other is to let customers know, insert-pull testing machine is also a penny a point total. Not saying buy low price is for the company to make a profit. Sometimes prices low insertion force of final costs even higher. High prices in the market, mid-tier price, low insertion force testing machines allow customers to purchase at a loss, mg instrument as a first homegrown production manufacturers of plug power, combined with feedback on the market with characteristics of Insert-pull testing machine of our company, summarized as follows article 6 were as a reference by customer at the time of purchase. Clients eventually need to purchase a quality, that is the customers according to their own company's strengths, and testing requirements, in order to purchase.
1, insert-pull testing machine sensor protection, shock-resistance testing can be made. Automated and manual of the machine press the up and down keys test fixture for hundreds of mutual impact see if the machine will stop automatically? Sensor effective staggered lifting of numerous worries in customer operations, client test machine maintenance costs significantly reduced.
2, verify that the test speed. Set the test function to set the maximum speed, set up test tour, with a stopwatch and a ruler to see if speed is true. (If the supplier test is false, quality testing machine provided that it can be understood, as well as the supplier's integrity is problematic)
3, see whether a password is required to enter the calibration screen. If you need a password to check, they represent later this testing machine only by its suppliers after aftermarket, wild speculations are helpless.
4, see if its software for their own development. You can ask it to do some small changes: test machine speed is mm/min, it requested its Executive image can automatically calculate how many times per minute. Low insertion force of software outsourcing in General, templates are fixed. Supplier no independent software development capability is to prove the technical force company strength. Key is for future sale would add unnecessary costs.
5, see plug power Tester machine function. In general high-end plug plug power strength Tester is not only testing, you can also test the breaking force (an alternative to pull some features), connector vertical force, constant pressure test (national standard which is called "load test"), the constant pulling force hold time life test.
6, adjustable resolution, stalls for manually adjusting the fine should be 0.01mm, can move with his hands to see if there really is moving. Low insertion force is much better
Above that is the low end Insert-pull testing machine whether it is suppliers of power, technology, credit, is also testing parameters of the machine itself, mistake proof testing capability that cannot be compared to high-end plug power to be. Also sometimes involve third-party verification, not mere verification force will be enough, you also need to check speed.