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Terminal block three major issues that need to be addressed in order to avoid failure
  Published:2012-10-19 09:35:52   Views:

Terminal of plastic insulating material and the conductive member is directly related to the quality of the terminal, which respectively determine the insulating properties and electrical conductivity of the terminals. The terminals failure will result in the failure of the whole system works. The painful lesson home and abroad in this regard is very profound.

Prevention is the purpose of the analysis is the foundation. A sense, more importantly, to prevent failure analysis failure. It guarantee the quality and reliability of the terminals have a more realistic sense.

From the terminal block from the use of point of view, the function should be achieved in order to avoid the occurrence of the terminals failure: the contact area of the conduction places must be turned on reliable contact. The insulation parts place should not be turned on must be insulated reliable only guarantee three, terminals in order to perform its functions in a safe environment.