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A high-quality terminal blocks and transportation are closely related
  Published:2012-07-31 11:17:38   Views:

All know to do the terminal line, the quality of terminal blocks main factors design of terminals, terminal selection and processing of the terminals in three aspects, but a high-quality terminals and transportation inseparable.


Transportation environment related to transportation vehicles and other mechanical devices, pavement, the problems caused by vibration and collision handling tools in the course of the terminals after shipment of the manufacturer, often shipped to the country, in this transport process how transportation is very critical.


Extreme temperatures during transport, the terminals are often compounded and exacerbated by vibration, the impact of the collision. For example, shipping terminals are often exposed to salt spray environment. General transport time can be predicted, land and air, generally for a few days, shipping up to January or several months. Terminals and packaging materials in order to be in good condition during transport, must be anti-decomposition and anti-deformation, corrosion and resistance to extrusion.


Elinker usually take the following measures will improve the reliability of transport cargoes reach their destination: the use of reputable carriers, the use of appropriate packaging materials, solid inside and outside the box, suitable lining or fillers necessary corrosion protection measures and the appropriate material and design of terminal blocks.


Terminal providers strict requirements for the transport environment checks, in order to provide customers with high quality terminals.